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Old 05-03-2005, 12:10 PM   #12
David Draime David Draime is offline
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Originally Posted by Jimmie Arroyo
Please tell me, (even if you have to lie) that you are struggling badly and not pulling these off as easy as Lisa.
Well Jimmie, I don't know if Lisa struggles with hers or if they are easy, but I do know that I don't finish mine in two hours (!!! - I wish I did!). Getting it down, all the bits rendered is not too difficult. I do make a lot of missteps because I'm still learning this medium, but I don't wig out. I know if I see a problem, I can correct it. The last stage of refinement on this one was tricky because I sensed something was (is) not quite right with it, but I didn't (don't) quite know what - I'm pretty sure my skin tones (color, chroma?) is off. So yeah, that's frustrating and has been a struggle. But I just have to do a lot more of these and figure out what I'm doing color-wise. I'm still quite a novice when it comes to color - skin tones in particular.

And if these few pastels that I've done are worth anything it's because you keep raising the daggone bar!! (you see I have this tiny little competitive streak in me! ).
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