Finalist ARC 2010-11 Salon, 3 place award of Merit PSOA 2011, Finalist for the 2011 Kingston Prize, Grand Prize 2006 PSOC, 2012 May cover art winner Professional Artist Magazine
Joined: Oct 2001
Location: Montreal, Canada
Posts: 49
Hi Abdi,
First I'd like to say that your portrait is very beautiful and well done. Colors and arrangement are very good however the hat could use more modeling. It appears too flat in relation to the face. I think more even shadows on the left would correct this. Also, I feel that the subject is too low on the canvas leaving too much top background. Restretching the canvas bringing up the face can correct this.
You don't say whether you painted this from a photo or from life, my guess is that it was done from a photograph. Sometimes working from a photo can cause parts of the painting to go flat. The best way to work from a photo is to do a lot of painting studies from life (any subject) and to incorporate this knowledge to the "photo" painting.
I hope I was some help.
Last edited by Cynthia Daniel; 11-12-2001 at 02:59 PM.