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Old 04-26-2005, 11:44 PM   #1
Debra Jones Debra Jones is offline
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Joined: Jan 2002
Location: Arizona
Posts: 457
Two commissions and one client.

I have been actually making money. Although the price is not the highest, I am slowly getting myself a real income (more from art last year than the day job!) and my little 8x10 pastels, oils and watercolors are coming steady and repetitively! Clients are doing two or more at a time.

This a watercolor, the second for the woman who installed my phone when I moved. Grandpa and baby with a close up of the little boy. 12x12 was a good and tidy $320 The first was her grandma in a garden full of sweetpeas.

My client is a young woman, very working class, with a phone on her hip and a family she loves. I think I value HER patronage most so far!
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Because some people have four legs.
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