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Old 11-12-2001, 12:16 PM   #3
Jennifer Geary Jennifer Geary is offline
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Those photos get me every time! :-)

Thanks for checking out my painting! I was working with a photograph, indeed! Unfortunately, this photo was taken years and years ago, so the subject matter couldn't pose for it while in the making. I really like painting from old photos, and you are right, my darks are too dark and vice versa with the lights. After staring at it for days and days, I become desensitized by it and lose my focus. I do need to use my "what I know" part of the brain when working on these paintings...true. Ah, there is much to learn, and hopefully with comments such as yours, I will grow as an artist and flourish! I will work on the problem areas a bit more...Thank you again for taking time to look!
Jennifer Redstreake Geary

Last edited by Jennifer Geary; 11-12-2001 at 12:16 PM.
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