Thanks, Melinda,
I appreciate your advice. Joining this forum - and finally using it - is inspirational, to say the least.
I also do artistic jobs where I can find them; but, I know a huge problem for me right now is my lack of time spent looking for them. I work many hours on my feet as a full-time florist, and very often just come home, make dinner, apply for better jobs or take care of something my kids have going on, and just go to bed. (My job doesn't pay a living wage, so my hunt is all-consuming right now. I had hoped my new BFA would land me a great job, but it is just too depressed of an economy, here, in Michigan.)
This weekend I do have an artist's soiree, which is a dinner put on in my honor and at which I can converse with people about my work and art in general. Linda and Dan Smith of Midland, here, are putting it on for me, just out of the kindness of their hearts and their dedication to the arts. I hope to make the most of this wonderful evening, and to deserve their faith. However, Midland is such a small town, I don't forsee much work coming from this particular event. What it is is a huge honor, and validation of my work. Just the invitation by the Smiths is wonderful.
I do think I need to be closer to a larger city. When my son graduates from high school in four years, I will surely move to a place with more opportunity. I may even go sooner, but I am struggling with the decision to change his school district at this time.
Decisions, decisions! But thank you for responding to my post, and good luck to you as well.