SOG Member FT Professional '09 Honors, Finalist, PSOA '07 Cert of Excel PSOA '06 Cert of Excel PSOA '06 Semifinalist, Smithsonian OBPC '05 Finalist, PSOA
Joined: Mar 2004
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Posts: 1,445
This is a tremendous portrait. I like it every bit as much as your first one, if not much more! It's so clean, simple and direct, which enhances it's strengths. Every passage seems so well executed, and the color harmony is very satisfying. I want a closer look.
It was a generous treat to see how your first portrait developed in stages. This portrait has a lot to offer in that respect too, if you have such images showing it's progress. I am fascinated by how you approach and develop your very intricate and complex portraits.
Congratulations on your success with this sitter. I hope this leads to many more portraits (hopefully some of other people too)!