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Old 04-18-2005, 05:50 PM   #1
Valentino Radman Valentino Radman is offline
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The same sitter, a second commission

This is the portrait I have completed a couple of days ago, oil on panel 32x24.

I have already made portrait of this sitter, but the previous one was commissioned by the local University. Upon seeing the finished work, my sitter commissioned another portrait for his home, in a different pose. So, this is it.

I tried to take photos of the painting in different light conditions and in different time of the day; I moved the painting around my studio, on my balcony, I tried lot of things... However, I couldn't get the right colors with my Canon 300D, neither the things could have been corrected in Photoshop.

In this particular photo the painting was laid horizontally so the light was coming from the side of the sitter's face (that's why the top of the hair has more glare than the rest of the painting).
The sitter's tie is washed out to the point of complete whiteness. I didn't want the darker areas to be very dark in the photo, so in consequence the very light areas became litterally white.
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