Thread: Raw Linen
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Old 04-17-2005, 10:50 AM   #3
Mike McCarty Mike McCarty is offline
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So Michael, is it your opinion that the primer on the backside (the side they intended to accept the paint) would give little benefit to the now painted "raw" side?

I can see where if the linen were just raw on both sides that there would be no help at all, but maybe the primer locking in all those fibers from the back side would offer some help.

And maybe with some well considered varnish / sealer over the paint and raw linen you could get a couple of generations out of it. Maybe too risky for a commission, I wouldn't want my great, great grandkids to get sued by someone else's great, great grandkids. I just like the look and the color of the surface.
Mike McCarty
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