Thread: Santiago
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Old 04-16-2005, 05:20 AM   #6
Carolyn Bannister Carolyn Bannister is offline
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Joined: Feb 2005
Location: High Peak Derbyshire UK
Posts: 106
Hi Carolyn,

I really like this, it' almost feels like you could be touching knees with him! The expression on his face is really nice and the beer looks like it would spill if you tilt the page

I'm not really qualified to make critiques but some areas on his face do look a little warm on my monitor as well.

I've always used canson myself in the past but tried Sennelier sanded for the first time with my last piece, it was definitely a revelation.

Best wishes,

Carolyn (Bannister)

ps. What's the weather like down there, I'm really not liking all this rain and cold at this time of the year
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