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Old 04-14-2005, 09:11 PM   #1
Kimber Scott Kimber Scott is offline
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ASU School of Art Looking for New Dean

I received this announcement from the Katherine K. Herberger School of Art at Arizona State University. I thought I'd pass it along as we all lament about the state of affairs in university art programs and thought someone here might be interested in serving on the selection committee, or would be interested in applying for the position themselves. Maybe, somebody will be able to change things from the inside.

If you'd like me to nominate you for the selection committee, let me know before end of business tomorrow and give me a little bio and why you're qualified to do it. (One paragraph as mentioned below.)

Thu, Apr 07, 2005 -- MAIN_SOA: Announcement from Provost regarding Search for New Dean
Faculty, Staff and Students:

It is with very mixed emotions that earlier this semester I accepted the decision of Dean Robert Wills to step down from the deanship effective June 30, 2006. He will leave the college in a much stronger position and the lead time provided will allow us to conduct a national search to identify a worthy successor.

Your recommendations regarding the structure and membership of the search committee for the Dean of the Herberger College of Fine arts are invited. I welcome comments about both University and community constituencies who might be considered. Please send your suggestions along with a brief paragraph on what strengths your nomination(s) will bring to the committee to Linda Van Scoy [email protected] by April 15.

I believe the college is well positioned to attract an outstanding dean and we are committed to achieving that.

Milt Glick
If you need more information, please, write to the address in the email above, as I don't know any more than what's stated here.
Kimber Scott
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