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Old 04-12-2005, 10:48 PM   #5
Melinda Roeleveld Melinda Roeleveld is offline
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Joined: Jan 2002
Location: Manchester, MO
Posts: 20
Hi Renee,

Welcome to the Forum! You will gain a lot of knowledge from this, and it can become addictive, I must warn you.

I have to agree with Mike. It is better to be realistic about the sad state of many professional artists when it comes to making ends meet financially. What you can do is at least do art related jobs that could bring in more money than only doing portratis. I am really in your boat. I know exactly what you are going through. I actually think the better I get the fewer jobs I am getting! I am going into debt to go out to Scottsdale to study under William Whitaker, but I signed up a half a year ago and feel this is my final splurge.

But what I also do is teach a little, do commercial type jobs (architectural renderings for example) and I am considering looking into another source of emergency income until I get my work out there to the point that I have a sound reputation in my city. I've even done flowers for two weddings, which is an art form. I am thinking about writing and illustrating my own cook book because I love to cook international food and I've lived in several foreign countries for a number of years.. It takes time and persistence.

I want to concentrate on quality and just do all I can by studying, reading, asking lots of questions, etc. I get marketing books at the library and go to Barnes and Noble every week with my husband to read art magazines and drink coffee. I take a notebook along and write down ideas, addresses, websites, etc. My husband struggles, too, because he designs websites and busniess is up and down for him as well. We have four kids--two college and two high school! It is really tough, believe me! Just never give up your dream, and pray! I totally believe in that

I hope that helps, but basically, I want to say, you are not alone!! Hang in there!

Melinda Roeleveld
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