I have honed my skills to the point where I can demonstrate painting in front of a crowd and complete a likeness, to the point where word of mouth is reaping some rewards, and to where local forces are giving me soirees and exhibition opportunities.
These things will help you tremendously, so keep doing them.
The SOG Forum Marketing section has a wealth of ideas on how to market your work. Taking an afternoon to study what has worked for others on this site would be time well spent.
How far from a big city do you live? Concentrating your efforts on marketing to a small number of people with the money to truly afford your work is probably the most important suggestion I can make. (For example, an ad in a large daily metropolitan newspaper would not be a good idea, running an ad in the program of the city symphony or opera might be.)
Another way to reach well-off people with a need for your product is to donate to private school fundraising auctions. There are several threads in this section that deal with how to do that.
Good luck and keep us posted!