Thread: Little Boy
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Old 04-02-2005, 06:57 PM   #6
Garth Herrick Garth Herrick is offline
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Hi Chris,

I welcome you too! I love the punchy colors that are not dependent on the muted ones in the photo. I also love your easy casual style.

Forgive me but I am giving you one of my typical heavy-handed Photoshop analyses. The weakest part of your portrait is in the likeness and facial proportions. I scaled the photo to match the painting, and let the images speak for themselves. If you have not scaled your photo to the same size as your painting yet, I highly recommend that you do. This will help immensely to keep proportions in check.

To match the scale, I took the measurement from the top of the hair to the bottom of the chin. The eyes, nose, and mouth are set too high, although the ear is just right.

I think the eyes are too dark and harsh a blue, although in general I like your interpretation of color.

Thanks for sharing this. I hope I am not being too hard on you.

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