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Old 03-30-2005, 12:43 PM   #6
Kimber Scott Kimber Scott is offline
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It's all about the money...

Patrick, when I first read your post my immediate reaction was there are "artists" and there are "con-artists," but then I thought to look at the situation from a different angle. Maybe, these "con-artists" simply fulfill, what some would call a sick desire in the nouveau-riche and even the old rich, to prove to the world they have so much money they can afford to spend large amounts of it on nothing. This "sickness" unfortunately, has, spilled over into museums and galleries as none of them want to admit they can really see the Emperor's rear-end and besides, if there's money to be made... The disease is contagious, so to speak.

In 1961, Piero Manzoni canned his own excrement and sold it to art collectors. How debaucherous! And, then to call it "art? But, who is the bigger "sinner" the canner, or the buyer? It just occurred to me, the world these people live in is world is of their own making. They exist on another plane. And, what could one spend money on in such a way as to prove with finality their own self-centered and contemptuous familiarity with it than canned poop?

I can only conclude these incidences have nothing to do with art and everything to do with the disease of too much.
Kimber Scott
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