I had to mention this for a laugh -
I feel lucky to have the insomnia versus what I had as a sleeping problem as a child. I used to walk in my sleep terribly. Several times getting out of the house. My mother left me with a babysitter once who fell asleep. As she was driving home at 1 am she spotted me about 2 blocks from the house in my little nightie walking along in 2 feet of snow. I used to wake up at 3am and get ready for school. I'd eat and get dressed and only when I had walked half way there would I realize it was too dark to be 7 am.
Luckily my children didnt inherit any sleeping problems, although they do grind their teeth. If they had I'd never sleep a wink!
"Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes." - Maggie Kuhn
"If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun." - Katherine Hepburn