I don't sleep much, I've always had insomnia. I can go 2 weeks and only get 4 hours a night. Then I'll sleep 8 hours for a couple days. I have three children, a 2nd grader, a 6th grader and an 8th grader. I still make all their school functions, do all the housework and all the chauffering around. But, I'm not necessarily good at it all. I hear I am a lousey cook, but even it if I didn't paint - that wouldnt change. The house is presentable, but it could be cleaner. I don't iron unless it is absolutely necessary. The thing that makes it easiest is the studio is across the porch. The kids come in there and do their homework at a desk while I paint. I'll stop when I need to help. They come in there to use the phone and my youngest plays with his toys in there a lot. And when we all watch a family movie together - I'll usually bring a sketch pad in and work on compositions or something. I've been known to set up my paints right in the livingroom at times also. The best thing I ever did for my art was to train the kids from birth not to touch paint or paintings. Even with them being as active as they are I can leave wet paintings all over the house and they automatically keep their distance. The only bad part about incorporating the kids in with everything I do is that they tell me what to do....my 8-year-old told me the other day "Mom, that isn't finished is it? It doesn't look so good yet."
"Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes." - Maggie Kuhn
"If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun." - Katherine Hepburn