I find that I'm in a 'mood' lately with my painting. I can't seem to slow down and concentrate - so I've put the important pieces aside for now and wont touch them. Personal distractions are the reasons, but I still am painting my usual 10-12 hours each day. I guess I could call this an experimental phase or name everything with the word 'study' after it!

I'm wondering if anyone else has had better luck getting through these moods that can come over us. I dont hate what I've been working on, but the 8 pieces I am feverishly painting all at once don't strike me as my best work....they are more like getting something out of my system maybe?
It isn't a great emergency, but I do have a commission to put some finishing touches on at this time, but I dont dare. All fine detail work seems out of my reach right now. So - what do you all do to reach down deep and make yourself paint the way you need to when all you want to do is push paint around for the therapy of it?
"Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes." - Maggie Kuhn
"If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun." - Katherine Hepburn