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Old 03-29-2005, 12:47 AM   #8
Marcus Lim Marcus Lim is offline
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Originally Posted by Michele Rushworth
I have three portrait clients I'm working with now who are planning major paintings. All three of them signed contracts and have given me deposits but there was a period of about three weeks where I was waiting on each of them to get back to me about something and had nothing to paint.
It's funny that you should mention this, Michele. Right after hearing Terri's and your advices, i was contemplating a way to get him to sign and pay a deposit for the portrait, when i DO see his geomancer and interior designer next week (good god, it's beginning to develop some distaste in my mouth mentioning them!)

However if i do get a deposit, it'll be quite a while before i can get work done, because he expects me to discuss with the two professionals and work something out together. Now i can foresee this becoming like another case of the Congress trying to pass a Bill, ding-dong-ing views and disagreements, when your life depends on it!

So here, i'm thinking if it's ethical to collect a deposit from him?

And Kim, i like your style...i might just try and "postpone him back INDEFINITELY" if he tries to pull that "postpone another day" stunt on me again. Us artists gotta stick our guns and put our chin up high against these "renegade customers", isn't it?
Marcus Lim
Historian Painter, Singapore
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