My last portrait client kept wanting to re-do the photo shoots....we had a contract, but it was holding me up in a big way. When I nicely told her I needed to get going on it - she said something like "Oh, I thought you had other paintings you were working on." I then explained that I usual have several things going at once. In the end - I finally had to just email her that I'd have to postpone her indefinately if we didn't get started. I was taking a risk - since she could have just said no...but we had been at this stage for a couple months. Luckily for me - it worked. She had put me off regarding signing the contract previous to that also - I did an email to all my clients about a raise in prices and that got her to sign it days before the raise. I'm still shocked to be honest that this one got painted!
Marcus, I'd just send a very polite letter saying you'd have to move him to a later date since you are in demand and cannot wait any longer.
"Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes." - Maggie Kuhn
"If you obey all the rules, you'll miss all the fun." - Katherine Hepburn