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Old 03-27-2005, 02:53 AM   #3
Lisa Ober Lisa Ober is offline
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Originally Posted by Jean Kelly
Soon I'll be working on a young girl wearing glasses like your portrait. I've talked to her parents about the distortion the glasses create (enlargement of the eyes), and we've decided to go ahead with painting her without the glasses and adding them later. That way the lens distortion won't affect the painting. Just a little cosmetic surgery and painterly "slight of hand".

Jean, thank you very much!

As far as the glasses issue goes, the strange thing is that the parents are so used to looking at her with glasses (she wears them all the time) that they actually felt the distortion should be left in or it wouldn't look like her to them. I can understand that so that's what I did. Normally, and especially for near-sighted people, I would do exactly what you said because glassed for near-sightedness work the opposite way. They make the eyes look smaller. I love painting eyes so I wouldn't keep the distortion in that case. I am guessing for the one you are going to do, the subject might not wear the glasses all the time. I guess the bottom line is to get the client's input. Again, thank you.
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