Thanks Chris! I'll let you know if anything comes of it.
Originally Posted by Julie Deane
It's just a matter of time before you are rolling in commissions, I bet.
Julie, I sure hope you are right. I do have a few exceptional students who, thankfully, are serious, want to learn and appreciate what I'm trying to give them. But some days....
Thanks Sharon. It's amazing now when I think of how many years I spent -
wasted - trying to come up with something "new" or cutting-edge, trying to make a mark in a "post-modern world" that now, just seems like a total fiction - and, in the meantime, not developing any real set of skills or technique as an artist. Now, I feel so grounded, focused, connected, knowing exactly what I want to do, ....I know what I like, what I don't like (though that is always evolving) what I wish to accomplish - it really feels like a "calling" ...and boy does it feel good! - just to have that sense of certainty, as opposed to the utter confusion - which I was getting used to. And I owe a great deal of this newfound sense of purpose as a portrait artist to the Forum. It really has changed my life! I never dreamed I'd say that about a website, but it's true. Of course, we all know - it's much more than a website....