Lon wrote: ...I doubt if this style would work well in most commissioned portraiture, however, since most customers (at least mine) do not want too much stylization and too much impressionism in line work and technique such as in the final post above.
I just want to clarify that the last Prud'hon drawing Karin posted (borrowed from my website) is a drawing abandoned in its early stage, before being refined. It was displayed here to indicate what a "stumped" drawing looked like *before* it gets stumped. Prud'hon made portraits for people in high positions; some were pastel, and quite nice, too. Not "stylized," or "impressionist." Once upon a time, any professional portrait artist spent their early years drawing posing nude models. It was an essential part of their development as artists. I hope that your remark about naked guys and their penises was only in jest. Prud'hon's style, as you see it applied to figure drawing, also served him very well in portrait drawing and for planning important large scale painting projects.