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Old 03-25-2005, 02:01 PM   #5
David Draime David Draime is offline
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Location: Perris, CA
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Thank you my Danish friend. Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Originally Posted by Garth Herrick

Now I am curious to see some of your earlier abtract expressionist beginnings. I bet they were amazing too!

They weren't. Like many of us, I floundered in the wilderness of postmodernism. As always, thank you for your generous remarks.

Linda, thank you so much. Right now I am just about done with adolescents - especially the goofs who don't want to work, or - worse, the ones who are rude, talk back, protest..."could you please pick up that colored pencil and put it on the table" I politely ask. "But I didn't do it!!! It's not mine!!!" ....... and I think - I could be working on a portrait right now....It's always around March that it feels like the school year should end....I so WISH I could do portraits FT. Oh, what a joy that day will be... I envy you.

Sorry about the whining.
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