Thread: Portfolios
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Old 03-21-2005, 07:43 AM   #7
Mary Sparrow Mary Sparrow is offline
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Leslie, I also have 2 4x6 books, one for my purse and one for my husband's brief case. Of course I direct most people to my website, but the book that I have my 8x10's in is just a regular book from the craft store like Michelle has. It is ok, but I feel like it needs to look more substantial.

At an easter egg hunt Sunday I was approached by a very enthusiastic young (RICH) mother that wants a portrait and asked me to let her her have a tea for me so that she could show me off to all of her friends in Charlotte. (That is the way she put it) I was later informed that I would be a fool to not jump on it, that she was indeed smack in the middle of all the old charlotte money. So we are aiming for May, and this is what prompted me to get my porfolio looking better.

I have found a 10x10 all black professional wedding album that has 10 pages and 20 matts of my choosing for about $120 (wholesale), this is by far the lowest price I have found for anything this size. Which brings me to the question, what is a good amount to have in the bigger portfolio? Obviously only your best pieces, but do you put as many as possible or not overwhelm and keep it to a minimum?
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