Originally Posted by Marvin Mattelson
Mihn, I would group Zorn along with Sargent, although I favor Zorn a little more. Second tier in the pantheon is no small potatoes. Remember this is just my pantheon.
I think trying to compare Zorn, Sargent and Sorolla to Bouguereau is like comparing apples to oranges. They are 2 completely different types of painters, which I am sure you are aware of. I don't think Bouguereau could even come close to painting FROM LIFE in the ALLA PRIMA method that Zorn and Sargent could do. And I think the reverse about long, finished paintings... Bouguereau was a master of this. He was a master subtlety in skin tones. These artists were going after something different, as I think you and Tim are. You guys are both fantastic artists and it would be ashame to try and compare the 2 of your works side by side in a comparison of sorts. 2 different methods of painting, both ways are effective because they are effective for the individual artist.
This whole debate in this thread reminds me of the scene from "Lust for Life" where Kirk Douglas (playing Van Gogh) is arguing over palettes with Seurat and Gauguin.... if you haven't seen this movie, it's a classic!!!! One of my all time favorites.
My point is this, we all have passion for this thing called painting... We are all trying for the same success in painting but we are each taking different paths. Passion is the fuel of our spirits and this is what drives us.....
Keep the fires burning!