NC Museum of Art
Hello Stanka,
I am new to the forum and am enjoying reading and learning from many posts. I wanted to say that I saw the most wonderful exhibit a few years ago at the N.C. Museum of Art ( I live here) on The Polish Paintings from the National Museum, Poznan.The work is of late 19th and early 20th century masterpieces of art by Polish painters.The paintings were truly breathtaking and I bought a book from the museum about the exhibit. They may still have it - it is the regular record of the exhibit with some color plates and lots of great history about the movement. It is also amazing that the art survived at all due to the war, looting by the Nazis and the near total destruction of the city of Poznan.
My brother travels to Poland this summer and I have told him to be sure to visit this museum for this wonderful collection. I feel so fortunate to have been able to view it in North Carolina.I thought you may be interested in this exhibit.
The Book is called: The Naked Soul: Polish fin-de-siecle Paintings from the National Museum, Poznan