Originally Posted by Marvin Mattelson
Tim, I fully agree that there are many ways to achieve a great painting.
Of these, Paxton and Bouguereau did indeed have the choice of using cadmiums but chose not to. Again, in my opinion, Sargent, Waterhouse and Sorolla were second tier, at best, so being the logical thinker that I am I've chosen to explore the earth toned palette.
As far as what most artists do or don't do is also conjecture, unless you have taken a poll.
In fact, I believe that the best solution lies in what most people don't do.
Since I myself happen to be an award winning contemporary artist, I would encourage Wilma or anyone interested in luminosity and depth to look at my work and see what they think. If my work appeals to them then perhaps there is validity in what I have to offer.
My my, it see we disagree on much. A poll is great idea. Maybe we could bring in thousands by introducing this on cowdisley and goodart maybe ARC. Maybe I could buy an add in American Artist and see where the votes fall... maybe the paint companies could share the sales numbers for cadmiums. But you're right, the results on the canvas are what matter. And the results directly result from the ability of the painter.
If you don't wish to be critiqued here or compared to my paintings as I invite , maybe you could compare your work with the people you listed as I did. That might impress me to your way of thinking.