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Old 03-01-2005, 02:59 PM   #37
Minh Thong Minh Thong is offline
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So, are we saying that a beginning student should or should not use the Reilly Palette?

I don't know about using it for an actual painting, or using the whole palette arrangement after you're painting at an advanced level (I'm not there yet ) but when I first started painting, the Faragasso book mentioned, and all the associated color exercises, was absolutely invaluable in fully understanding how to use color. Being self-taught, I'd have bounced around for years without that book. I literally painted hundreds of color charts from the Reilly pallete, including the charts Faragasso used to illustrate 'vibrating' a color with cool mixtures. Even before my drawing reached a decent student level, I had color down cold.

That said, however, I have since gone back to using two colors plus white and the various three color plus white and black mixtures outlines in Parramon's 'Big Book of Oil painting'. What I can today with just a couple colors is still kind of amazing to me.

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