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Old 02-27-2005, 09:28 PM   #18
Timothy C. Tyler Timothy C. Tyler is offline
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Location: Siloam Springs, AR
Posts: 911

Wilma, I welcome your post and it's an interesting idea. Let me say some general things first. What you must learn to do is understand what all the colors can do for you. I am not a habit guy. I am not a rule guy. There are many basics you can learn, but as you learn them deeply you'll begin to dismiss them. It is like using recipes or really knowing how to cook. The chefs know, so they don't use recipes. I have a basic palette on my site and a secondary list of extras you may find helpful.

For example, you can make many neutrals but it's nice to have some of them from the tube. Thalo blue you may very rarely need.

There are as many palettes as there are painters. You will find one that fits your own style.
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