Limited palette
I hope I am not intruding on the original post here. I am presently learning many things at once in oils. Layers technique etc. I am about to reach the stage of my color layers in a portrait and have chosen this palette, looking for something very simple for one who does not have that much confidence in mixing oils. I would like to give a description of my palette for your critique and all critiques will be most welcome. Better to find out the weaknesses before I start.
My palette will center around nine values of neutral gray plus black and white. Those grays will be mixed with White, Raw Umber and Black, using some red if needed in the lower values.
I have chosen Yellow Ochre for the first color to be laid out in a horizontal row and mixing values to correspond with the neutral grays above it. The same procedure will be used for my second color, Cadmium Red.
I will mix my flesh tones in vertical rows, there by leaving me free to concentrate on intensity, temperature etc. of my mixes without having to worry about losing the value I have chosen for a specific area.
For the clothing and background I will proceed with the same palette making extra horizontal rows beneath the flesh colors with colors that are needed.