I quit school 6 years ago with 8 classes to finish my BFA. Mostlly because I was disgusted by the lack of teaching you describe so well. Big BIG mistake. Last year when I applied for this really cool job I wanted I got a reply from the HR person which had a message from the hiring supervisor that no doubt they wish they'd deleted before sending to me - that I was automatically disqualified because I had no degree. Interesting experience and such, but a no go. Ouch. It made me wonder how many other times my resume ended up in the can without so much as a second glance. And it made me want to fix that lack of a degree. Bad.
Now I'm finishing up too, Kimber, and all I can say is, good for you for gritting your teeth and just going for it. I've got this semester, a summer course online and a few courses next semester and I'll be done with it. Only problem is, I'm trying to finish up in another state, going to another university, by transferring all of my credits down to my original school. I'm going to have to take my final BFA Special Topics seminar long distance and I'm still not sure how that's even going to work. But I'll get it done somehow.
I think if I had to do this all over again I'd get a degree in marketing or some such, taking as many elective art credits as my schedule would allow, then I'd go to a good school once I had my degree (and a good job....)
Good luck in school, pretty soon you'll be looking back on this and laughing.