She is a lovely little girl, and you have the makings of a very nice portrait. I see a few little things you can do to help fix the "not quite right" look. This may seem like a lot, but they're really very small changes.
Her chin is more pointed than it is in the reference. I see the values on her jaw and neck closer together than they are on the portrait. I think your reflected light is too light. Squint and compare, and you will see you can lower the value on her jaw. The angle of the jaw line in your portrait is steeper than in the photo. Plus the shadows on her neck and jaw (in the photo) seem cooler on my monitor than the shadows on her cheek and forehead.
You can lower the outside corner of her (our left) eye. You can lighten the line along the bridge of the nose; it looks like it might even curve in a little just below the eye. You can extend the shadow on the side of the bridge of the nose closer to the inside of the (our) left eye.
I think it would be good to break up some of the brown streaks in her hair, I don't see them so "line-y." And I see a lot of purple/lavender/gray on the top and side of her hair.
I think her forhead slants back a little more than you have it. Her (our) right eyebrow seems a little more curved than in the photo. Check that pupil too, it seems larger than in the photo. The last thing is the intensity of the skin on her upper arms, it just jumps out at me. Maybe dulling it down some will keep from drawing the eye down there, away from her face.
I hope this helps.