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Old 02-10-2005, 12:07 PM   #10
Rob Sullivan Rob Sullivan is offline
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Joined: Dec 2003
Location: Portland, ME
Posts: 197
"Oddball" is definitely not the right choice of words for you, Heidi. In fact, the quality of work makes my work look odd by comparison.

All of us painters strive for sculptural form in our works. Your attentiveness to solidity and structure really drives the point home.

This particular piece has such an amazing iconographic aura to it, not to mention that it makes a pointed sociological statement. Too often do I see modern classical sculptors falling back on the pure academia of typical motifs that, while beautiful, don't really say too much more than, "I'm a classically trained sculptor." Your work has kept the tradition intact, but finds new and significant meaning within the medium. Thank you so much for posting this in full - it's stunning.
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