Originally Posted by Linda Brandon
Or did you just filch one of the stations of the cross that I don't know about?
Ah, would that it were. How that would lubricate the machinery of apologetics and evangelization.
But, no, the image is but one of the 20 4"x4" ceramic tiles that make up the structure called "Wimberley Tales." All twenty tiles run just over $1000. When I purchased my "The Artist" at Tree's Place (gallery) on Cape Cod only about three years ago, I paid about $35, as I recall. They are now individually priced at about $55. They have a magnetic backing.
There are numerous figures and scenes depicted -- The Dentist, The Doctor, The Lovers, The Harlot (my favorite, of course). I'm surprised not to be able to find a good image of the entire set online, but this will have to do -- it's a tiny image that I've greatly enlarged, hence the blurriness. But you can see the Artist in the uppermost room on the right: