Thread: ND70
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Old 01-18-2005, 03:00 PM   #53
Mike McCarty Mike McCarty is offline
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I found that I lacked the precision of the cameras original third stop compensation.
What I was trying to say is -- I lacked the precision, with my software, to know how much to lighten the image in order to bring it to the cameras one third stop brighter image. When I do this brightening routine, and I find that I do it with every image I shoot, I am just eyeballing until I see what I like. I think I would rather the camera start with the better exposure. Anyway, I'm going to try this for a while. I understand that it's trying to preserve the highlights.


I've ditched the images. The differences were very subtle (moving back and forth between a third of a stop) and I don't think you could appreciate them here. The third did seem very slightly noticeable. Which is where I was trying to end up anyway.

You can set the camera to lighten a third stop all the time:

In the "Pink Pencil" Icon menu, scroll down to 09 "EV step" and set it to 1/3 or 1/2 increments depending on your preference.

On the top of the camera by the on / off switch there is a (+-) button, if you depress this and scroll with the dial you can set for over or under exposure that should remain.

I'm going to try lightening up by a third and see how that feels for a while.
Mike McCarty
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