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Old 05-08-2002, 09:11 PM   #9
Chris Saper Chris Saper is offline
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Dear Karin,

Thank you for your humorous and uplifting post! (personally, I like the "Pearls before swine!" rationale.)

I think there are a multitude of issues that must go into these competitions, and I try to keep in mind that it is only one (or many, or the front office secretary--yes, I know of some competitions where this has happened) judge on one day, and about one painting. I have received awards at a national level on paintings that couldn't even get juried into small local shows here. (See any of your delineated criteria). I think organizations can utilize any process they so choose; I agree with Tim, though, they should just be straightforward about what it is.

On the other hand, after some time and experience, I think it just doesn't make sense to beat one's head against the wall. (Or,as eloquently stated in Art & Fear, "When the horse dies, get off.") It all, though, goes back to the reason one seeks credentials..and there are many reasons, depending upon an individual's career goals and activities. There are so many different venues out there, find those that recognize where you are going, rather than where someone else is headed.

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