Thread: ND70
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Old 01-10-2005, 08:11 PM   #46
Marvin Mattelson Marvin Mattelson is offline
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Hi Y'all,

Can you tell I'm back from Atlanta? Ok Jimmy I'm chiming in. The raw file, called NEF by Nikon, contains far more info than a jpg ever could. First of all it's 16 bits which means it has a geometrically increased amount of information in each pixel. I believe hundreds if not thousands more. When applying a curve in Photoshop certain data gets tossed. However in the raw format all the data is retained. The alterations to the image are attached and not embeded.

Photoshop has a raw converter which I'm currently experimenting with. I'm reading a book by Bruce Frasier on the subject.

Gotta run now, but I'll be updating this thread.
Marvin Mattelson
[email protected]
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