Thread: ND70
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Old 01-10-2005, 04:28 PM   #43
Michele Rushworth Michele Rushworth is offline
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Jimmie, thanks for posting those hands with the color adjustments. I can easily do the same adjustments using curves and color balance in Photoshop though. It's pretty fast too. For now I think I'll stick with the JPEG file formats and Photoshop.

Especially if, as Holly said, the RAW files take much longer to write to memory than JPEG. I want to be able to shoot five quick frames of a wiggly child and don't want to wait even two seconds before I could push the shutter again.

Also, I understand what you mean, Jimmy, about the lack of sharp focus in "low" light. I photographed a girl in a chair yesterday right next to a big window, and used a tripod. She was sitting fairly still. It was a cloudy day but I thought I had plenty of light. I used the Auto ISO function so I have no idea what ISO the camera thought would be best. The shots came out a bit fuzzy and grainy, even the arm of chair, which surprised me.

A few weeks ago I photographed two VERY wiggly kids, no tripod, another cloudy day (hey, it's winter in the Northwest!) but we were outdoors, so there was lots more light. The shots came out much sharper.
Michele Rushworth
[email protected]
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