Sorry Jimmie and all you Nikon guys, a Canon person jumping in here.
Jimmie, if you are getting a slight blur and have "old age eyes", which you don't since you are such a young'n... you should have a diopter adjustment on the view finder of your camera, this might need adjustment. The Canon will not let you do a auto focus unless the flash is accessible. It cannot read the focus without the right amount of light. This is really disappointing for me. Sometimes I shoot it in auto then switch to manual just to make sure I have the right focus.
On the Canon, the cable shutter release is plugged into the side where you attach your USB cord. Personally, I don't care if your camera is set in concrete, you never touch it during a longer exposure and the self timer is so annoying, especially when shooting children. I have a cable release which attaches, it was only 40 dollars and functions like a standard SLR's - meaning a 1/2 pressure touch gives you meter readings, press full and you get shutter release. I still keep my eye in the view finder while shooting mainly so light is not seeping in. I have not looked at the remote ones.
Michele, you should check out the Gig memory cards now, I couldn't believe that they are now the same price as 1/2 the memory was a year ago.