SOG Member FT Professional '09 Honors, Finalist, PSOA '07 Cert of Excel PSOA '06 Cert of Excel PSOA '06 Semifinalist, Smithsonian OBPC '05 Finalist, PSOA
Joined: Mar 2004
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Posts: 1,445
Hi Karen,
I would know less than anyone about the effectiveness of this marketing, but I personally wouldn't believe a word of it. I bet the most anyone will hear of this buyer's guide is through your post above mine! How often have you seen me so prominently featured in "A Buyer's Guide to Pennsylvania Artist's"? I don't think there is much chance of any buyer taking an interest outside of the Wyoming state line. What kind of distribution numbers and marketing plan has this probable scheister provided everyone? I would not touch it. A simple web page would be much more effective, as would good participation in this and other forums.
Just my 1.995 cents worth!