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Old 01-08-2005, 08:20 PM   #1
Karen Barton Karen Barton is offline
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Joined: May 2003
Location: Upton, WY
Posts: 24
Art buyer's catalog ad a good idea?

Hi fellow portraitists. I have recently been approached by a publisher in Wyoming (which is where I live) to reserve a full page ad in a "buyer's guide of Wyoming artists" for only $1995.00. He tells me it will be distributed nationwide and internationally too. I haven't seen a sample of his publications, but a few of my fellow artists have and are convinced that it is a great deal. I do sell prints of other kinds of artwork as well as the portraits I do, but do you think this would be a wise investment for my portrait business? His prices go down to 850.00 for a quarter page ad. Any ideas on this? My money doesn't grow on trees. Karen
[email protected]

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