Thread: Emma in Purple
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Old 01-06-2005, 11:26 AM   #9
Linda Brandon Linda Brandon is offline
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Originally Posted by Cindy Procious
How do you like Max's gesso board? I've only used the linen panels, but he's told me I really should try the gesso.
Mary, Kim, Allan, Mike and Jane, thanks so much for making my day!

Cindy, thanks also, and I was hoping somebody would ask me about this panel. It was just incredible to work on. I'm not obsessive/compulsive generally but I really got obsessive with this surface. The gesso is the most touchable surface I've ever worked on and the effects you can get with it are so interesting. One of the reasons I posted this yesterday was to get myself to stop painting on it and move on to other paintings.

I had a lot of trouble initially but I think if I had used softer brushes I would have solved some of my problems.

I don't usually say this after I post something here, but "this painting looks so much better in reality". The surface quality is a big part of its interest.

I would love to see somebody who starts with a grisalle paint on this. I think it would be perfect for them.
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