Thread: ND70 Lenses
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Old 01-03-2005, 04:04 PM   #9
Mike McCarty Mike McCarty is offline
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I don't know of that theory or if I have explained it correctly but if that is true then a 50mm digital lens would be an appropriate size for photographing portrait references.
I think you stated it correctly. The exact technical reason for this is something I have asked about and then chosen to forget. Just one of the many things that have passed in and out of my brain without making sufficient impression. The 1.5 factor is specific to Nikon, other makers will have a different multiplier. I think the Canon SLR digital is 1.6. This would make the 50mm lens you are discussing a 75mm lens as we would think of it in the old film nomenclature. This would be ideal for portrait work, in a fixed sort of way.
Mike McCarty
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