Thread: Paying models
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Old 12-29-2004, 01:16 PM   #25
Sharon Knettell Sharon Knettell is offline
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A footnote

Hi folks,

After I researched Club Balloons, I have had the most interesting sites pop up on my computer. The models enthusiastically engaged in these activities, though quite stunning, are probably not interested in $14 per hour as I am sure they would require a lot more for these particular photo sessions. Apparently ladies involved in 'dancing' at venues like Club Balloons can make as much as $700 per evening.

When I talked to my former model about the trials of finding a suitable replacement, I told her about Club Balloons. She said "Ugh ! How could they do that!" When I told her they got $700 a night she said "REALLY!"
I know she would not do it but a lot of kids like her facing $30,000 per annum college bills probably have tried it.

Julie' church idea is sounding better and better. It would be a strange new experience for me, though a few of my paintings have been of the ministers' daughters who lives behind me.
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