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Old 12-27-2004, 10:47 AM   #7
Cindy Procious Cindy Procious is offline
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Joined: Nov 2003
Location: Signal Mountain, TN
Posts: 352
I bought myself a 300mm lens with the downpayment from my last commission. Without a tripod I got a double image every time - it's just so heavy.

But, I would agree with Garth and Linda (whoops - I meant BETH) - not about specific models, but about spending the money necessary to get quick-adjust features. I bought a cheapy tripod, and while it does have levels and such, adjusting it is a chore. I highly recommend bringing your camera to the store and trying them out. You'll quickly see which ones are no good.

As for Christmas presents - I received 3 gift certificates to Utrecht from my 3 kids, and my husband got me a HEATER for the dungeon (otherwise known as my studio) and some lights that clamp onto the rafters. Now I need to find some good full-spectrum bulbs.
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