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Old 05-05-2002, 06:17 PM   #1
Stanka Kordic Stanka Kordic is offline
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Soviet Impressionism

...without resorting to the painter's maul-stick and a one-hair brush, the working class impressionists attacked their canvases with surprising boldness and passion.
Hi everyone,

I came across this wonderful book by Vern Grosvenor Swanson in the midst of my recent re-evaluation of my own body of work. It inspired me to no end to go ahead and plunk my paint!

These folks are no resemblance to the French Impressionists (although I like them too). It is chock full of color plates, 176 in all, and it covers the time period of 1917-1991.

The subject matter includes landscapes, portraits, and some historical, narrative work. The portraits especially resonated with me (of course). These painters have a boldness with paint, an honesty of expression that I've rarely seen. Somehow, they have been able to produce exciting, beautiful paintings that far surpass mere prettiness. Its exactly what I needed to see.

(Sorry, I don't have a scanner to show you images.)
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