Thread: Paying models
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Old 12-09-2004, 03:53 PM   #6
Jimmie Arroyo Jimmie Arroyo is offline
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Joined: Aug 2002
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 671
I'm a real cheap-o. For my drawings, from which I've only used photos, I don't pay anything. I give them an 8x10" print of the drawing.

But before I seem too cheap, they are of course told ahead of time that I don't pay, and they have no problem with it. And it's been over twenty people within a year in a half. They usually act like I'm doing them a favor. Many say that it's an honor, I think they are so flattered that they would be doing something unethical by accepting money. I've also never taken more than a half hour taking pics, so they may not mind much either.

If I start doing live sittings, I would'nt expect them to sit for nothing. I think between $10-15 is fair for someone who's never done it before, and is posing just for the hey of it. There's no way I'm paying someone $25 an hour for an uninteresting experienced model, which seems like the going rate in my area. Experienced and interesting is different.
"Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I can accomplish"-Michelangelo

jimmie arroyo
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