Thank you for the general rule of thumb, I did not know that and will keep it in mind for future reference. And, I like my name now too.
Thank you for the pat on the back as well. I was worried, because I didn't get too many remarks on it, that people didn't like it so I really appreciate the positive response. It was a challenge to do because of the reference being such a bugger.
As for their grandparents, I was so touched to get the phone call asking if I would do this for them. It says a lot.
But, it is also a great opportunity for me to get a lot of exposure. Their friends and house guests are exactly the people I want my paintings in front of. They entertain a lot and this painting is hanging in the center of where their get togethers take place. So, this was a big commission for me in more ways than one.
Deep down I know their dad likes it as well. He was a big fan of my artwork, in fact he still has artwork I created for him 15 years ago when we were married hanging in his office. He just doesn't like my current name hanging in his parents house. I chuckled to myself when I entertained the idea of making my name vibrate. Hee hee, but I would never actually do that.
Thanks again.
Janel Maples