Thread: ND70
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Old 12-05-2004, 11:59 AM   #1
Jimmie Arroyo Jimmie Arroyo is offline
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Posting this thread to specifically ask about the ND70 without having to search through other threads.

Something I hadn't noticed until I took my first pictures with a model, is no access for a cable release. Thought "that can't be right", then saw no self-timer. I didn't have my manual with me, and didn't want to waste time, so I took the pics as carefully as I could.

When I got home, I noticed in the manual that there was an available remote control, but without one to test, the procedure sounds complicated. It sounds like it needs to be used differently based on manual and auto settings. Has anyone used the remote, and is it easy or annoying? I'd rather not use the self-timer because I know the model will get bored after ten seconds and the expression will not be the same as an instant pic. I try to get them at their most relaxed, them knowing the pic won't come for ten seconds will tense them up or bore them.

"Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I can accomplish"-Michelangelo

jimmie arroyo
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