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Old 05-02-2002, 08:25 PM   #8
Marta Prime Marta Prime is offline
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I guess I was really asking opinions more than making a statement about additives and what constitutes "mixed media." I have noticed at several local art fairs and judgings that they are very particular about what you are using so they can classify you correctly. It seems that if you use anything but oil they want you to be "mixed media." Of course I wouldn't be telling them about any ingredients or mediums that I use, but the sparkly stuff is clearly not oil paint to them. I once had a painting that had this stuff on it moved from the "oil painting" section to the "craft" section of a show, so I don't use it anymore. Of course, that is local art stuff, a far cry from the caliber of artists in here. I guess I just thought that if the local yahoo's didn't consider it an oil painting, the professional's in here might really think it was tacky! The points you bring up are very relevant. You never know until you ask.

I found the glittery stuff in the glitter section of our local Art and Craft store. I don't remember the brand name.
Marta Prime
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